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Writer's pictureAlia Kamelia

These Four Walls

I need to leave these four walls in order to see the skies

Yet I know that if I do, the moon will taunt me and my wounds

I wish I could forget all the times it made me cry

Yet in a sick and twisted way the moon is still my muse.

The skies tell me to lift my head up and smile

How could I when everything is too painful

These wounds won’t heal no matter how hard I try

I cannot believe I’ve been such a fool.

I gaze longingly at the skies and its colors

I love every raindrop and every rainbow

If I could just reach the clouds that decorate it

Then maybe I could feel how the wind blows.

I need to leave these four walls in order to see the skies

Break down these tall walls so I could finally stand tall

Then over the wreckage, I could stare the moon straight in the eye

And yell, “You will set, but the sky will not!”


Antara bulan dan langit, aku pilih yang luas terbentang

Yang sentiasa ada dan tidak akan terbenam

Yang merupakan definisi kasih dan sayang

Yang sentiasa ada menemaniku pagi dan malam.

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