She paints a smile devoid of soul's grace,
A hollow echo void of emotion's embrace.
In twilight's cloak, her deceitful smiles elude
those who grasp not the unseen weave.
If only they look into these mirrors carefully,
They will see the stories which her heart couldn't tell.
They saw the bright twinkling stars in her,
But unaware that they were actually dead.
She didn't realise how the storms in her head
ruin the precious garden that her soul holds.
She soundlessly hugs the silence so tight
until the heaviness in her heart leaves her soul.
And yet amidst the endless deep obsidian veil,
she still looks for the stars and the moon.
Concede that they are just the beautiful chapters
of her life with bitter lessons and experiences.
No flowers grow without rain, no humans glow without pain.
edited by: frhlyn

Illustrated by: Ayisha