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A Beef With Rain

Adiba Auni


I have a beef with rain

quite a time ago

when I'm still obsessed with keychains,

rain does many things

that I don't bother to explain;

—it pours down before I get outside to play,

—it warns me to stay warm in a cocoon of blanket, 

—it dawns cold upon my weak frame,

—it cries and cries, offended by my own dismay. 

Years pass and a rainbow steals my sight, 

the rainbow hidden by the rain,

for me— after all this time.

I realise

that the beef I had with rain

proves to be something fragile

because the rain still sees me as a child;

—it pours down consoling me when I feel alone

—it warns me to take cover and avoid catching cold

—it sings me gentle cries as I look out the window

—it stays with me even when it feels too hard to show.

The fleeting presence of rain—

a great company;

my secret friend.


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