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Eid Miracle

Farah Niesha

She watches the sunrise and sets through her windowpane; her eyes never shut close, yet her mind runs wild. The clock is ticking at a rapid speed, almost as if it’s broken. What more can she think of than the endless assignments piling up just like her worries?

Her cursor clicked rapidly at multiple tabs, looking for tickets through tickets. “I must go back. I can’t stay here any longer..” she mumbles.

Just as she wanted to give in to a lonesome Raya, her eyes caught a glimpse of a low-priced offer. Sparkling hope shines deep within. With her breath held, she grinned as the screen showed ‘payment successful’. A long, relieved sigh escaped her pursed lips, “ I’m finally going back..”.

A book nestled softly on her lap, delicate eyes scanning the empty four-car train. She wonders where everyone is. Where are all the students that are going back? Are the adults still working without worrying about their holiday? ‘It’s Eid, they must go back..’ her heart whispered.

Her journey to the airport is filled with mixed emotions. She’s delighted to spend her time back home, yet the thought of people who aren’t able to go back saddens her. She wants everyone to be with their loved ones. She wants everyone to not spend their Raya alone.

As she settles in her seat, she bores into the window, staring at the huge wing of the plane without a single thought. Not a single voice rings in her mind, yet her heart is aching. Aches with comfort and sorrow for the people out there and herself.

She knows the struggle of being a student, having the dilemma to go back because of the ridiculous plane tickets, because of the ridiculous tests, because of the ridiculous lack of self-competence to manage her mental health and eventually melts into a pool of salty tears.

She knew it all, and her heart throbs for her past. Her lips formed into a single line as she buried her pain with a shut of her eyes, hands clenched into the hem of her clothes as she desperately, sincerely, whole-heartedly prayed that everyone gets to go back home for Aidilfitri.


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